Power Play

Five electricity substations in Oregon and Washington are attacked just days after two in North Carolina were shot up causing widespread power outages [More]

And if they’re not Christian Nationalists…?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Power Play”

  1. Oregon and Washington?
    Areas others than Portland or Seattle?
    Gotta be the local Antifa conducting dry runs.

  2. Is this an excuse to ratchet up the white supremist domestic terrorist meme?

    Will this be an excuse to justify the BS domestic terror threat to justify nulifying BRUEN in the name of suppressing domestic insurrection?

    Interesting how the media is suddenly on top of all these ”new and recent” substation attacks that no one ever heard of before and the closest neighbors didn’t know about.

    Even more interesting that this is happening in the wake of BRUEN as courts at every level are killing gun control and the nfa and gca could be (should be) in the cross hairs.

    Black flag anyone?

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