Prosecuting Trump on Gun Charge Could Backfire ‘Bigly’

If they go after him on it, Democrats know such a charge would almost certainly make it to the Supreme Court. Considering all the complications the Bruen text, history, and tradition standard is throwing in the path of gun prohibitionists in the inferior courts, such charges – like those against Hunter Biden – could very well find such edicts unlawful violations of the Second Amendment. [More]

Special Counsel Jack Smith makes a threat his masters may be afraid for him to make good on.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Prosecuting Trump on Gun Charge Could Backfire ‘Bigly’”

  1. I still predict we will be looking forward to Hunter Biden being the first person in US history to be protected by “Bruen” for his specific trifecta of crimes.

  2. Not to mention, after every indictment, all mean to kneecap his candidacy, his poll numbers go up. Number 4 in Georgia state court may well have cemented his place as the GOP nominee.

    A favorable decision by SCOTUS could well guarantee him another term as President.

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of folks.


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