Pseudoscientific un-American

Scientific American calls for federal regulation of homeschool families [More]

Otherwise you’re keeping money from communist destroyers.

Which is what we’ve established they are.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Pseudoscientific un-American”

  1. They realize this is a gigantic long term threat. If kids don’t get 12 years of government propaganda, then they are a lot more difficult to convince that the 2nd amendment was about hunting, or that white rural males are causing all of the crime in this nation.

  2. What $PLC said.

    Plus, they know damn well that in many (if not most) places, the money apportioned to public schools is based on property taxes and local population, NOT enrollment. Homeschooling actually increases the per-student money available; the money is already there but gets divided among fewer students.

    We homeschooled for years, while paying property taxes (part of which went to the public schools) AND buying our own curriculum out of pocket. We didn’t get any of that tax money back, so we were paying twice AND doing the work. It cost the schools nothing.

  3. Originally the benefit of a public education for all children was seen as a big enough benefit for society as a whole, that it was reasoned that it was appropriate to spread the burden of funding for those public schools over a large proportion of society whether or not they actually had children in public schools. Note that people who opt to send their children to religious schools still pay property taxes to fund public education.

    But that argument was made and settled back when the public schools were seen as politically neutral, not as indoctrination centers for one political party. It was also beck before the NEA was seen as a wing of the Democratic Party. It was also back before union rules made it it damn near impossible to fire incompetent teachers.

    In today’s world those federal, state, and local tax dollars in large part go to teacher salaries, then part of that goes to union dues, then part of that goes directly into Democratic Party election activity. And all of that regardless of whether or not the teacher in the classroom is capable of teaching your children a damn thing.

    The Biden family kleptocracy, even with their 20+ shell corporations, couldn’t have come up with a better scam.

    The home schoolers are right. It’s past time for those education subsidies to go directly to parents with school age children in the form of vouchers to fund their children’s education. Let the grifters now in the public school systems teach in charter schools if they’re any good at it and the ones who shouldn’t be teaching find more productive work that isn’t tax subsidized. And let the Democratic Party find another source of funding.

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