Scientific American Still More About Political Propaganda Than Objective Truth

“This may entail substantial changes to the American Constitution, or its interpretation, or wider weapons bans than the one that expired in 2004. [More] Anti-gun agenda “science” = junk science.

Pseudoscientific un-American

Scientific American Is Disappointed in the Media Coverage of Student Protests [More] And that’s a leftwing rag posing as a respected journal of objectivity that knows a thing or two about being disappointing. [Via Michael G] Tangentially Related UPDATE Unscientific American – Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology. [More] Once you lose your reputation it’s hard … Continue reading “Pseudoscientific un-American”

Per Aspera ad Astra

“Trayvon Martin’s flight suit tells the story of a dream of space flight ended tragically by earthbound violence”… [More] Along with Lt. Uhura’s uniform Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther costume… Sadly, the venerable Smithsonian has gone the way of Scientific American: Politicized “progressive” dreck. Cosplay is now “achievement” enough. We’re supposed to believe if not for … Continue reading “Per Aspera ad Astra”

Now Fly! FLY!

In an opinion piece for Scientific American, writer Bryn Nelson insinuated that my factual reporting on Drag Queen Story Hour was an example of “stochastic terrorism,” which he defines as “ideologically driven hate speech” that increases the likelihood of unpredictable acts of violence. [More] Life imitates art…? Such smears by agents of those who crave … Continue reading “Now Fly! FLY!”

We’re the Only Ones Questioning the Science Enough

Seattle police say its part of a pattern of black teens targeting Asian victims in the area [More] But Craig Harvey says “Stop Blaming Black People for Anti-Asian Hate,” and he’s a “Working Scientist“! A reality of nature is predators pick easy prey, and the lack of preparedness and situational awareness I’m seeing here tell … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Questioning the Science Enough”

What’s the Difference Between an Academic Fraud and a F…ing Liar?

But if you are going to — listen, now, kids — advocate public policies based on the particular characteristics of particular firearms, then you have an intellectual and moral responsibility to be honest about those characteristics and not misrepresent them, rather than do as Professor Cornell has done and simply invent some scientific-sounding fiction to … Continue reading “What’s the Difference Between an Academic Fraud and a F…ing Liar?”

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