2 thoughts on “Setting an Example”

    1. Probably not at least not much very useful against a determined government.

      HOWEVER, all the guns of the government will NOT be able to force the farmers, or anyone else, to produce food. And without a reasonably reliable source of food, there will be no one to hold/operate the guns.

      HOW did this happen? The sly birdie darstids who put together the whole EU thing took pains to assure that the peons, as ever, would not have the means to resist them when it came time to tighten the screws. Seems this time is here, or nearly so, in much of Europe. Ceylone and Laos have already pretty much bitten the dirt. I believe other parts of India will soon follow.

      I am surprised and pleased to see the Dutch, and now the Italians rising up against the tyranny. England have been too comatose for too long, but may well be high up on the list of “next”. Canada seems to be making yet another gentle puch back against Trideau Fils. I wonder if this time it will be the real thing, or just another dredd rehearsal like the truck thing last winter. They do not seem well braced to make a long term stand come what may. The Dutch may well hold out. They are a plucky lot.
      We seem now to be living in precisely the sort of times mentioned in the old Arab curse… may you live in interesting times………….

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