Sheriff Grady Judd on Guns

He noted that on the day of the Parkland mass shooting, if someone on campus with a firearm who was well trained, ‘there wouldn’t have been a massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas. [Watch]

It’s fair to ask what David Hogg knows that he doesn’t.

[Via 1Gat]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Sheriff Grady Judd on Guns”

  1. What bout the School Official that was sitting in his office, top floor, watching the perp as he got out of his car, picked up a Cabelas rifle case for an AR pattern rifle that appeared to have some weight in it (NOT used for carrying tennis racquets) then headed ONTO the campus where this ofice KNEW the dirtbag perp was denied entry because of a court order.
    Don’t know if this useless tax feder was armed or not, but he DID have a phone nearby in his office, and.. sat there and WATCHED. Only.

    As far as Hogg Boyy, I could care less whaat he thinks or says.. he was not even ON that campus when it all came down. NO firsthand information whatever.

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