Sign Me Up?

President Trump has a tool to push for the passage of legislation, such as the hearing protection act. The executive branch, specifically the Secretary of the Treasury, can unilaterally declare an amnesty for people to register NFA items with the ATF. [More]

Wouldn’t that imply they’d done something wrong and that citizens should obey tyrannical claims on their rights…?

Yeah, of course I know the alternative.

Some of us have considered that before charting our own course.

I like Dean, he does a lot of valuable stuff and I’m sure he’s doing his best to let us know about something that could keep us out of trouble. I guess I’m just surprised to see this on JPFO.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Sign Me Up?”

  1. The problem with this would be the argument that this law is obsolete. When it was passed, BATF was an arm of Treasury. No longer — now it belongs under DHS (transforming a carefully-crafted “revenue collection agency” into an unconstitutional “law enforcement agency”). So now Treasury will simply argue that the issue is no longer in their wheelhouse, and the litigation will go on eternally.

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