Just received a letter from the NRA – National Rifle Association of America verifying my A-rating as a “solid pro-gun/pro-hunting candidate” who will be an advocate for your right to keep and bear arms as Georgia’s next Lt. Governor. I hope to earn your vote on Election Day. [More]
That’s why he’s urging all Americans to vote for Kamala Harris and her agenda to eviscerate the Second Amendment, calling those who do “patriots,” and smearing everyone who doesn’t as “a cult worshipping a felonous thug”!
He swindled Georgia Carry, too:
“If Brian Kemp wins governor and Geoff Duncan wins lieutenant governor, I don’t see us needing to play defense next year,” said Jerry Henry, Georgia Carry’s executive director. “If those people get elected, why would we have to fight (gun control legislation)?”
What a lying @$$hole this Duncan character is.
A real prize bag of douche. Seems the simplest search would have found him out. But gosh the gals will roll over at that studly pose.