So, It’s NOT the Guns…?

America is not first, tenth, not even fiftieth in the world in per capita homicides, but one hundred eleventh. [More]

Look at the millions of members of the NRA, arguably the most heavily armed civilian population on the planet, and I bet they’d come in last.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “So, It’s NOT the Guns…?”

  1. Aside from the part about demanding correct answers on a math problem being racist, one wonders what portion of Leftists can even define “per capita.”

  2. But… but… but… what are the “gun death” numbers in those countries? That’s the real question!

    Everybody knows that the number of people killed matters less than how many people were killed with guns! Only the “gun deaths” are important; the rest is just statistics!


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