So Much for ‘Home Rule’

More than two-thirds of big-money, super PAC contributions supporting Mike Johnston for Denver mayor has come at the hands of just five people, and four of those are from outside Colorado — and all with ties to gun control or other “social justice” issues. [More]

It’s not like we didn’t see a slow fist coming:

In July, and again in December of 2013, this column warned — and has been a lonely voice raising the alarm in subsequent reports — that Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns had been establishing well-funded “action groups” in the various states as part of a committed strategy to impose New York-style “gun controls” throughout the land. The first report noted MAIG had already been at it for 10 months, yet information from the media, as well as from pro- and anti-gun groups, has been limited to nonexistent.

“Our side” needs to stop being so overwhelmingly reactionary and lay out adjustable plans for the long term. Just like the enemy does.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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