Sorry Not Sorry

I’m sorry, but when your little minions are openly talking about bringing weapons to the protest, it’s not a protest anymore. [More]

Bundle him off to Bagram, PJ Media? If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Sorry Not Sorry”

  1. Have you noticed that it’s getting harder and harder to separate clear and present dangers from the fever dreams of the tinfoil hat crowd? Is PJ Media even aware that Florida law enables their neighbors to legally carry firearms and that many do as a mater of daily life? Isn’t wetting your shorts over someone carrying a gun at a demonstration a little over the top? Or is it?

    Democrats lie about Republicans who are all too happy to return the favor. The FBI moves in and convinces social media to lie about seemingly everyone and every thing. In the middle of a world wide pandemic folks lie about their involvement of lack of same, and we’re all told to subject ourselves to an experimental vaccine that may or may not work, that may or may not be more dangerous than the virus. It’s all getting too much like living in a Tom Clancy novel (or two).

    Debt of Honor — published in 1991, ten years before the attacks of 9/11/2001

    “However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, are all killed in the attack.”

    Rainbow Six — published in 1998, 21 years before COVID-19

    “Henriksen would then ensure the release of “Shiva”—a manmade Ebola biological agent more deadly than the one that spread a year prior, developed by Horizon and tested on kidnapped human test subjects—through the fog-cooling system of Stadium Australia, infecting everyone present, who would spread Shiva when they return to their home countries. The resulting pandemic would kill countless people, during which Horizon would distribute a “vaccine”—actually a slow-acting version of Shiva—ensuring the deaths of the rest of the world’s population. Brightling’s “chosen few”, having been provided with the real vaccine, would then inherit the emptied world, justifying their genocidal actions as “saving the world” from the environmentally-destructive nature of humanity. ”

    Did the US Army really give small pox infected blankets to the plains Indians?

    Did the 1950’s CIA really stop a coup to overthrow the Shah of Iran and return him to power as a US puppet?

    Did North Vietnam really attack two US Navy destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin?

    Did Apollo 11 really land to men on the moon?

    Did we really allow the STASI to steal a top secret AIM-9 “Sidewinder” missile and hand it over to the Soviets to prove to them that our missile worked even if their Atoll missile didn’t?

    Back in the 1960s people sometimes said “Stop the world, I want to get off.”

    Are we there yet?

  2. Say what you will…no problem here.

    Take violent action, well pal, all bets are off.

    Back in 2000, at an RPT convention in Houston, armed blacks marched in protest. All legal, but 2A grandee RPT attendees went ballistic.

    Just for me, not for thee goes both ways.

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