Speaking of Disenfranchising Millions

Dem Senator Pushes For ATF To Be ‘Beyond The Influence And Grip Of The Gun Lobby’ [Watch]

That would be every one of us who seeks peaceable redress through organizing.

So millions of gun owners won’t have a voice? No more campaigns to petition lawmakers about abuses? And who needs Rules comments?

Think through what this self-serving serial lying maniac is proposing.

And as one NRA member observed

[Via Jess]


Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Speaking of Disenfranchising Millions”

  1. ‘Beyond The Influence And Grip Of The Gun Lobby’

    I’m well past giving a rodents posterior about his vision of “the gun lobby”: i.e. the NRA.

    But if he’s saying the ATF should be beyond the influence of the real “gun lobby”: i.e. the America people, or even worse, beyond the influence of the Constitution of the United States, then he’s in for a world of disappointment, if not worse.


    “Blogger Mike Vanderboegh, one of the 2 who first broke this story, fired off a letter in response to the Miami Herald article, in which he made it crystal clear that gun owners have no intention of allowing another round of gun bans, particularly not as a result of government treachery.

    In response to a question one reporter asked him concerning gun control, Vanderboegh replied, ‘If you try to take our firearms, we will kill you.’ “

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