Speaking of Seditious Conspiracy…

“We need to start making people who support Israel actually afraid to go out in public,” Chambers said in a Friday Instagram post. “We need to make all of white America afraid that everything they have stolen is going to be burned to the ground. That’s what makes them listen.” [More]

And does “we” make it RICO…?

He doesn’t look very fearsome…

I’m actually loving seeing Democrat internecine war.

But leave it to the stupid Vichycons to rush to the establishment party’s aid.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Speaking of Seditious Conspiracy…”

  1. “That’s what makes them listen.”

    It also announces you as a new threat in the “battlespace” and attracts the attention of those who’s business it is to investigate threats and neutralize the ones who merit neutralizing.

  2. Where is Mossad when they could be useful ?

    I have maintained for years that the NSDAP in Germany was actually a left-wing party. Hitler’s early writings support this as does the extreme Nazi hatred against the Communists. Leftists hate no one as much as other leftists who do not adhere to party ideology.

    Looks like the NSDAP is back. As for Chambers himself, I suspect his politics are founded in self-loathing. That’s what makes him a useful idiot.

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