Speaking of Shoddy Conclusions…

The Shoddy Conclusions of the Man Shaping the Gun-Rights Debate – John Lott is the most influential pro-gun researcher in the country. But his methods and findings have been repeatedly debunked. [More]

I see a lot of smears, a lot of ad hominem, and a lot of denials by those with vested monetary grant interests, but what I’m not seeing is actual data to refute him. Forgive me if I suspect a partnership with the Bloomberg-“seeded” The Trace might play a factor in this obvious hit piece.

Incidentally, I had to open this in an “incognito” window because I’ve used up my “free” reads. Forgive me again if I don’t see anything offered by these smug effete elites worth paying for.

Plenty of truth to this cover, wouldn’t you say?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Speaking of Shoddy Conclusions…”

  1. Why should leftists do the hard work required to actually debunk something anymore, when they’ve discovered that simply shouting “debunked!” “baseless!” and “conspiracy theory!” have exactly the same effect?

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