Sunny, One So True

Hostin: Trump Presidency an ‘Existential Crisis,’ Dems Must Be Willing to ‘Fight and Die’ [More]

ABC/Disney, eh? I’d think the FCC licensing authority would have a say in how this contributes to “Public safety and homeland security.”

I wonder if Sunny has heard about Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Broadcaster Legal Responsibilities…

But Behar had her own bonkers conspiracy theory: that Trump was threatening to kill their families. “Somebody said they were afraid for their lives and also the lives of their children and their wives. It’s not just not being re-elected. It’s physical threats that go on,” she proclaimed without evidence. [More]

So,the FCC with licensing authority to include “Public safety and homeland security” is just gonna let ABC get away with this unchallenged?

[Via bondmen]

Pants-Wetting Ecstasy

The View’s Joy Behar says she wet herself in Costco when Trump verdict was announced as overexcited hosts delight in conviction [More]

Serial-aborting Whoopi has a solution for that…

This is so off the scale of normal… but gotta uphold those ABC/Disney family values

And these are the influenced millions.

How can any self-respecting man be with one of them?

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