Let’s Keep Things in Perspective, Please

The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). đŸ’„ Acting as unregistered foreign agents is a federal offense. By interfering in America’s election, these Labour operatives crossed a dangerous line. [More]

Oh, lighten up. It’s not as if they criticized “migrants” on Facebook or owned a TV without a license


Labour’s Head of Operations, Sophia Patel, has deleted her LinkedIn profile and locked her Twitter after explosive allegations surfaced that she organized 100 Labour staffers to meddle in the 2024 US election [More]

Labour Pedos, 50 of them. Wanna bet there are a lot more? [More]

[Via Michael G]

Live from New York…

You don’t expect the party of inclusive equity outcomes to give equal time as required by law, do you?

After I prepped this post it looks like they’re scrambing for an out. Whatever “punishment” they get, I’m sure the premeditated violaters will think it was worth it.


Last night, I was given a statement from the victim of Tim Walz to release this morning. [More]


Anyone blindly believing this, is retarded. [More]

I agree.

What about people who blindly discourage investigating such a serious criminal accusation leveled against a powerful politician?

It’s no secret I could not be more against Walz. I think if he and Kamala are elected it’s an existential threat to peaceable means of redress for Second Amendment advocates. With that being said, I thought Community Notes existed for just such posts as these.

I understand not dignifying a “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question and helping draw attention to it. Still, this has the potential to impact election results, and if I don’t object to them doing this to Walz I can’t object to them doing this to anyone, including me.

As a proponent of “Red Flag Laws,” Walz is all for you and me having to prove OUR innocence if accused of something the government will disarm us over without being convicted of anything. But that still doesn’t make it right for anyone to demand he prove HIS innocence: The burden of proving guilt is on the state.

FEC and DOJ should be the ones investigating this. If it turns out to be a malicious lie being spread in an attempt at election interference, that’s prosecutable, especially if more than one person is involved. So is if the accusations turn out to have substance.

If you see something say something, right?

Too Little Too Late

ASU under fire after Harris campaign accesses data to text 70,000 students… “We’re going to be submitting a [Freedom of Information Act] request very soon to understand how that information was supposedly public,” Carpenter said. [More]

The election will be over by then, and if all goes as planned, guess who will be in charge of doing something about this…

How about if you see something say something, for all the good that’ll do?

[Via Michael G]

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