About That Rumor

Despite the widespread speculation, here’s what we actually know:

A private criminal complaint was filed against Shapiro. The Butler County District Attorney disapproved the complaint. There is no official confirmation of any criminal charges or federal investigation. Social media claims of a cover-up remain unverified. [More]

For what it’s worth, he’s a Democrat

That said, I join in cautioning not to leap to any illusions. Just from a making sense standpoint, it doesn’t.

And that said, boy, wouldn’t it be rich?

[Via bondmen]


If … we trust you enough to drive a motor vehicle and register your driver’s license right and we’re going to opt you in to be a voter why not also opt these people in to carry guns under ccw permitting system so they get their own card that they can use across the country in relevant states that recognize through the reciprocity system those Concealed Carry Permits that are in your wallet…? [Watch]

It’s an interesting and creative thought but it’s dependent on reversing Democrat majorities and even then would be tied up in the courts for years waiting for a Supreme Court of as yet unknown composition to first agree to hear a case and then rule favorably on it.

Besides, reciprocity becomes a moot point as citizens, per SCOTUS in Dred Scott, have “the right to … keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

That and it’s hard to see how having more people voting favors anyone but ignorance-dependent Democrats. Me, I think Gov. Shapiro just signed the death warrant for PA Republican representation.

And based on his subversive gun betrayals, I think it’s deliberate sabotage by an embedded enemy.

[Via Jess]

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