Typical Excuse-Making Democrat Sow

Democrat torched for ‘disgusting’ response to Laken Riley’s death [Watch]

Doesn’t “gun sense candidate” Katie Porter have some potato violence to commit or something?

On the flip side, I don’t watch this Fox News program so don’t know the name of the “conservative” black woman, but when she asserts and asks “THEY DON’T ENJOY OUR RIGHTS, THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS. DO WE SAY THEY ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?” the first thought that comes to mind is Sir Thomas More’s “devil himself” rejoinder from A Man for All Seasons.

I saw some of that “law and order über alles” enthusiasm displayed at the NRA Trump speech, and my first thought there was from “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

[Via Jess]

Laws She Demands Should Apply to ‘Gun Sense Candidate’ Porter

“The allegations against Porter include claims that she dumped hot potatoes on her then-husband’s head and smashed a glass that led to him being cut by flying shards.” [More]

We can end potato violence!

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