You Can’t Have One Without the Other

To my fellow Oregonskis, you are outnumbered and your only hope, just like the blacks of the 20th Century lies in federal intervention. And federal intervention it must be. We await a newly invigorated Civil Rights Division of a purged US Department of Justice to get busy. [More]

Which will never happen unless “gun rights groups” stop kissing administration @$$ and start leading their millions of member in demanding it.

I also received this comment via X message:

Howdy. I appreciate your efforts and work! Thought I’d send this privately rather than comment under the article. This is an incorrect take. The Oregon appeals court’s ruling was based on the state constitution as the lower court judge (Raschio) made it clear his decision (pro gun rights) was based on the Oregon constitution (which was an important distinction based on the Federal court decision discussed next). It was the Federal court judge (Trump appointee Immergut) who heard the 2A arguments on measure 114 almost 20+ months ago and attempted to narrow 2A rights with her pro measure 114 100+ page opinion. Raschio’s ruling merely gave us Oregon gun owners a 20 month reprieve (during which time the US Supreme Court should have addressed the issue via Snope and others, but has failed to do so). My $0.02 anyway… Take care & I hope this didn’t come across rude or arrogant, as it was not my intention.

While I don’t recall going into those details to make it an “incorrect take,” it’s not arrogant or rude: I appreciate the background insights.

Oregon Court Decision Sides Against Second Amendment and with Tyranny

If it were other civil rights being violated by a state, precedent has already been established that the U.S. Department of Justice would step in and put a stop to it. Gun owners should demand the same for the Second Amendment from an administration that literally owes its electoral victory to them, and our “gun rights leaders” should be the loudest voices making sure it can’t be ignored. [More]

Yo, AG Bondi: A little help here? Or will your DOJ continue being selective about which rights it will protect?

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