A Singular Argument

The text of the Second Amendment plainly does not guarantee a right to purchase an unlimited number of firearms within a 30-day period. [More]

I’m pretty sure “arms” is plural.

Of course, the miserable traitor Rob Bonta knows that.

Subversive Democrats pull this in-your-face $h!+ because they’re confident they can without repercussions.

[Via Jess]

How About One Book a Month?

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has scheduled oral arguments Aug. 14 in the Second Amendment Foundation’s challenge of California’s one-gun-per-month (OGM) purchase restriction, in a case known as Nguyen v. Bonta. [More]

Of course it’s an infringement.

Of course the Ninth Circuit knows it.

And of course they’re going to do everything in their power to stall things until Democrats get the national majority they need to remake SCOTUS and reverse Bruen.

With your money.

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