Speaking of Shoddy Conclusions…

The Shoddy Conclusions of the Man Shaping the Gun-Rights Debate – John Lott is the most influential pro-gun researcher in the country. But his methods and findings have been repeatedly debunked. [More]

I see a lot of smears, a lot of ad hominem, and a lot of denials by those with vested monetary grant interests, but what I’m not seeing is actual data to refute him. Forgive me if I suspect a partnership with the Bloomberg-“seeded” The Trace might play a factor in this obvious hit piece.

Incidentally, I had to open this in an “incognito” window because I’ve used up my “free” reads. Forgive me again if I don’t see anything offered by these smug effete elites worth paying for.

Plenty of truth to this cover, wouldn’t you say?

[Via Dan Gifford]

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