Military Gun Training in Polish Schools

Unlike in the land of the Second Amendment, where gun prohibitionists who demand avoidance and ignorance label themselves as “commonsense gun safety advocates,” the training is embraced by educators, politicians and parents.  [More]

Compare and contrast to ignorant and cowardly anti-gun “educators” here…

For the Children

What incapable rabbits they make our politicians, “educators,” gun-grabbers, and parents who fall for the avoidance lies look like.

Meanwhile, Argentina is begining to face adult responsibilities.

So, while other parts of the world are reacquainting themselves with reality, U.S. Democrat enclaves in the land of the Second Amendment are on a neverending “whack-a-mole gun control” quest to undermine the right and return the people to the serfdom their ancestors fled, all in the name of “progressivism.”

Ignorance is No Excuse – Neither is Subversion

It is difficult to imagine a situation where accurately firing from 1,000 yards would be necessary to defend oneself … We need not conclude that the right to train with firearms is a necessarily protected right under the Second Amendment. [More]

Of course it is, you lying morons.

Leave it to “common sense gun safety” prohibitionists to not want you trained. More likely they just don’t want you to have rifles that can reach out and touch someone…

Fudds take note.

So, no one told this federal court about the Civilian Marksmanship Program, created by federal law, and its Highpower Rifle Competition Rules and Table 7?

Just like the Miller court “[could not] take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore [could not] say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon”…

The Second Amendment doesn’t have the limits these Sixth Circuit apparatchiks (one appointed by Obama and two by the “Vote Freeedom First President“) presume. And thus they help to advance the likelihood of the very situation they find so difficult to imagine.

The damned fools…

[Via Jess]

Cancellation of Maine ‘AR’ Safety Class Opens Questions as to Motives and Legality

That leaves a potential conflict, as duly enacted existing law, which mandates “The commissioner shall establish a program for training individuals in the safe handling of firearms,” does not add a proviso saying “except for firearms that Democrats don’t like.” And the truth about that is all of them, as the Fudds will find out when they’re no longer needed. [More]

Who knew “commonsense gun safety” meant no training? My Freedom of Access Act Request attempts to find out who’d behind that bit of idiocy.

And I just sent it out this morning:

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