Makin’ Whoopi

Whoopi Goldberg bristles at Daniel Penny celebrating acquittal: ‘You killed a guy’ [More]

I’d have thought she’d have said “Hold my beer.”

It’s difficult to count, based on Whoopi’s narrative, but the grand total of abortions she admits to having is six or seven by the age of 25.

Because, Lord knows, she didn’t have other choices…

Kinda makes those incontinence commercials a bit of karma…

Tangentially Related UPDATE

Daniel Penny Should Sue ‘Absolute Catastrophe’ Alvin Bragg, Ted Cruz Says [More]

Too bad Whoopi wasn’t his mother…

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Contemptible Propaganda Tools of the Lowest Order

MSNBC’s Resident Wacko Joy Reid Says She’d Vote for Biden Even if He Were “in a Coma” [More]


Whoopi Goldberg says she would still vote for Biden even if he poops his pants and can’t put a sentence together because she also has “poopy days” [More]

Women whose social and political sentiments are influenced by such ideological Judas goats blame everyone else for their being miserable. You know the type.

[Via Michael G]

Pants-Wetting Ecstasy

The View’s Joy Behar says she wet herself in Costco when Trump verdict was announced as overexcited hosts delight in conviction [More]

Serial-aborting Whoopi has a solution for that…

This is so off the scale of normal… but gotta uphold those ABC/Disney family values

And these are the influenced millions.

How can any self-respecting man be with one of them?

Makin’ Whoopi

Whoopi Goldberg “Enraged” By Donald Trump Saying There Is An “Anti-White Feeling” In America [More]

We probably deserve it for not being able to connect to humanity.

As an aside, serial aborter Whoopi doing incontinence product commercials has a certain Twilight Zone ending sense of ironic justice…

[Via bondmen]

Self-Defense Not a ‘Choice’ Statists Allow People to Make for Themselves

“OK, you can have your guns, but you can’t have your AR-15. If you’re gonna get all in my business and tell me what my family can and cannot do, neither can you. They’re gonna come for those AR-15s and you better get ready to give them up!” [More]

Somehow, “nasty” doesn’t seem strong enough…

Makin’ Whoopi

Whoopi called on American citizens to call the cops on their own neighbors and friends if their arsenal is “too big.” “Does your neighbor have too big an arsenal? Call the cops!” Whoopi shouted as she falsely claimed the 2nd Amendment doesn’t cover AR-15s. [More]

Punch Republicans and SWAT gun owners? I guess when you’ve given yourself so many abortions you need to wear undergaskets, blaming and hating others is the only way to keep from looking inward.

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