Taking Up a Collection

“They are monitoring this guy for doing what millions of other hobbyists do—selling part of their personal collection. That’s not a crime, but apparently ATF doesn’t like people turning over their guns at a high rate” … [More]

Tell that to John Shipley.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Taking Up a Collection”

  1. Getting ATF to give a firm definition of “engaging in the business”, like most things ATF, is like nailing jelly to a tree.

    In most cases, the courts require that laws be written in such a way that an average person knows full well that doing X is in violation of statute Y.

    But for some reason, that doesn’t apply to the jabberwocky that comes out of ATF.

  2. Adding to what DDS said, define “high rate”.

    One per month? Four per calendar year? More than two in your lifetime?

    Do transfers to FFLs count, or just transfers to other private hobbyists and collectors? Do transfers using an FFL as an intermediary count, or just face-to-face transactions?

    Definitions matter. Which is why the BATFE goes out of its way to objectively define as little as possible.

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