That’s One Way around the SCOTUS Ruling

Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway [More]

And as yet unknown and may take decades to sort out: The effects on the babies who survive.

Assuming we don’t destroy ourselves and the right victors emerge, it would be interesting to read a future history book about this.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “That’s One Way around the SCOTUS Ruling”

  1. I still think life follows art here (spoilers for Netflix’s Utopia, released simultaneously with COVID, follow):

    As the characters discover, the reason the comic book contains clues to things that haven’t yet happened is that it was drawn by one of the architects of a plan designed to stave off planetary collapse as the population rises and fossil fuels run out. Here’s the plan:

    1. Convince the general public that there is an outbreak of a deadly new virus. To sell the story, poison or otherwise kill people, then attribute their deaths to the phony virus.

    2. Once the fake pandemic is up and running and the public is terrified, announce that there is a vaccine that can defeat the virus.

    3. With the help of global elites, NGOs, and world governments, inject everyone on the planet with this “vaccine” as quickly as possible.

    4. Surprise! The vaccine is designed to permanently sterilize all or all but a certain percentage of the people who take it. Sit back and relax as the global population drops from 7.8 billion to about 500 million in a single generation, ushering in a new era of plenty.

    Think about it.

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