The Devils We Know

NRA: Allen West’s Run For Wayne’s’ Job Will Not Prevail In Houston [More]

I have no problem objectively assessing West’s qualifications and capabilities. The membership should insist on that for all positions. We don’t need a popular figurehead, we need a principled leader who knows how to get things done.

That said, HW/Dole/Romney backer David Keene and his American Conservative Union are actively undermining the Second Amendment by greasing the skids for the cheap labor  “pathway to citizenship” sellout.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Devils We Know”

  1. Unimpressed by Allen West. Over a year ago, he published several statements throwing Wayne under the bus, and yet taking no responsibility for personally not standing up to him as an NRA Director, which was his job. Like what happens in cop shops, the conscientious Directors realized the game was rigged and resigned, while the “just taking orders” crowd stayed on. West is one of the latter. If you want to replace Wayne, start with a short list of the Directors who walked away.

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