The Last Stand

No Place to Hide. No Place to Run. The USA is the Last Best Hope [More]

This is another reason why a substantial “conservative” following of the late “Coach Red Pill” YouTuber Gonzalo Lira baffled me:

This is a guy many claiming to be “on the right” listen to and ardently defend, which is curious when you consider five months ago he advised “If you live in any of the democracies of the West, you should leave now while you still can.” … Leftist totalitarians will “take over and crush all opposition.” Forget the Second Amendment, he asserts. “The American military will crush any…kind of armed resistance in the United States.”

Joe Biden couldn’t have said that last bit any better.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Last Stand”

  1. The DoD didn’t “crush” the armed resistance in South East Asia.

    They didn’t “crush” the armed resistance in Afghanistan either.

    Why would armed resistance in the USA be any easier to put down?

    In “War in the Shadows: the Guerilla in History: Author Robert Asprey points out that the United States Army has more experience, on both sides of asymmetric warfare, than any other organization in world history. Yet they have the astounding habit of ignoring all of that institutional knowledge and starting over from scratch each and every time they are faced with a new guerilla situation.

    Good book for those who like that sort of stuff.

  2. I would point him to “BRACKEN: WHAT I SAW AT THE COUP” for a fictional, but I think fairly accurate description / time line of what guerilla warfare could look like if the Feds do get ‘frisky.’

    Have him pay special attention to the phrase “A militia of one.”

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