The Light and the Dark

While Light Shined Brightly in One Nation, Darkness Befell the Other! [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria, a great influence on me throughout the years, has a new book comparing and contrasting the American and French revolutions.

You may recall another book of his I reviewed, America, Guns, and Freedom. If you have’t read it, you’re passing up an opportunity to learn from the best.

I just got my copy of his latest in the mail and will find time to read it. I’ll get started, but with my workload and Christmas/New Years plans, it may be January before I finish, which is fine, because I just got the green light from my editor at Firearms News to submit a review.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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