The Shape of Things to Come

NYC to test gun detecting systems in subways amid security push [More]

And if they can have them there, why not Everywhere, in Everytown? If you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, what’s to keep you from trampling on the Fourth?

After all, it’s for the greater good.

My first thought was of ways criminals and terrorists will defeat this, starting with preferential embedded assets.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Shape of Things to Come”

  1. My thoughts exactly. Very fancy, very expensive equipment.

    And probably very defeatable via surprisingly simple means.

    Two immediate things come to mind:
    1. The scan take three seconds, so walking too quickly will throw it off. (The plain-clothes cops demonstrating it had to walk pretty slow.)
    2. During rush hour, how are they going to detain the one person among 500 others without losing him in the crowd or stopping everyone? (Good luck with that!)

    And that doesn’t even get into other possible methods to mess with the mechanisms or housings to REALLY defeat or disable it.

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