The Wrong Side of History

On Thursday, US District Judge Frank P. Geraci denied a request by gun-rights advocates to block enforcement of a New York law requiring ammunition sales to be handled by a licensed dealer and subject to a background check for the purchaser. He determined that the law fit within the country’s historical tradition of gun regulation… [More]

So bring back the Slave Codes while we’re at it. eh, Obama appointee?

Historical anachronisms like colonists requiring loyalty oaths from Catholics were rendered unconstitutional by the Establishment clause ratified by the Framers…

Anything to avoid “shall not be infringed” from these robed punks…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Wrong Side of History”

  1. consistent with ‘the well-recognized historical tradition of preventing dangerous individuals from possessing weapons,’”

    this looney “judge” has NOT read the history of the founding years of this nation. Ammunition was REQUIRED tobe kept IN THE HOME in the colonies, and militia members (the townsfolk who met weekly for practice and drill and….) were required to maintain a minimum store of powder and whot IN THE HOME.
    As no his imagined “preventing dangerous individuals from possessing weapons”, yes that was indeed done. They put those “dangeours citizens” behind bars unti they were no longer “dangerous”. Thus there was no need to restrict who could have what.

    They recognesd it was never the arrow, always the indian. Never the gun, always the one holding it. If HE was safe the gun was safe. If he was NOT safe, he was locked up unti he was.

    Refile ini a different district with a judge who has a brain and is not “on order” from the controllers.

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