The Wrong Way

The Supreme Court struck the ban down, making it clear that if you wanted to ban bumpstocks you had to do it the right way, which is the way the Constitution outlines, which is actually passing a bill through Congress and having it signed into law by the president. [Watch]


“Left unsaid is where Congress derives such authority in the first place, as the power to regulate and ban arms is nowhere delegated to it in the Constitution. The only clear mandate is ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’ By any branch of government.”

Change my mind. Show the section and clause.

I expect our would-be leaders to know this stuff.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Wrong Way”

  1. Read the preamble to the Bill of Rights. It clearly states that the purpose of the first ten amendments was to allay concerns expressed by some of the states’ ratifying conventions that the new government would at some point abuse the citizens rights just as had the government of King George III.

    It tried to dismiss those concerns by taking certain issues off of the table.


    But since then, American history has become a long chain of certain politicians spending untold effort to put those issues back on the table. Somehow the mental midgets we send to our legislatures imagine themselves to be the equal of, if not wiser than, the Founders.

    What group of our current batch would you trust to create an entire government from scratch?

    Just to cite two examples, I wouldn’t trust Rep. Jerry Nadler or Rep. Adam Schiff to walk my dog.

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