To the Bitter End

They push her wheelchair, remind her how and when she should vote and step in to explain what is happening when she grows confused. [More]

As long as they can get the right light on the shell they’ve always controlled to blink when they want it to, those who benefit from keeping it animated aren’t about to turn the seat over to someone else’s dummy.

So being too mentally compromised to own a gun in her opinion doesn’t disqualify a Democrat from a Senate seat…?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “To the Bitter End”

  1. “many of Ms. Feinstein’s constituents are increasingly concerned about her refusal to relinquish a post that she is not capable of fulfilling without heavy and constant reliance on her aides.”

    That would imply that California Democrats are more scupulous than their Pennsylvania counterparts, an unlikely thesis that surely demands further exploration.

    “It is an awkward task for Ms. Feinstein’s aides, many of whom go back decades with her. They are wrestling with how to balance their work as public servants with their responsibilities to a vastly diminished lawmaker who remains in charge of representing California’s 40 million residents, and who sometimes makes public statements that are not true.”

    If they’ve been with her that long, they will surely have made moral accomodations to her constant lying long before now.

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