True Scotsmen

97Percent is getting its @$$ handed to it on a tweet I referenced in my AmmoLand piece about their fraudulent “targeted” poll. [More]

Comment poster Boss Chonk shows us the perfect rebuttal for every time some gun-grabbing pretender employs the “responsible gun owner” deception:

I am a responsible gun owner… and so call you out on your No true Scotsman logical fallacy that one must believe the same as you to be a responsible gun owner.

Here’s the fallacy, that is, the lie, explained.

So a good rejoinder to those who resort to that might be “Take your ‘responsible gun owner’ sophism and shove it up your kilt.”

It’s encouraging to see that almost no one is giving any credibility to these transparent rights swindlers. Besides Rob, Joe, Amy, Stephen

And that’s despite yahoo!finance running a press release created by a high-priced New York ad agency as “News.”

I sure hope money man Adam Miller doesn’t fire Executive Director Mathew Littman. I can’t think of a more qualified incompetent to waste his money.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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