Two Nations

AG GARLAND ON UVALDE SHOOTING: “Our children deserve better than to grow up in a country where an 18-year-old has easy access to a weapon that belongs on the battlefield, not in a classroom.” [More]

First off, they’re not “our children,” collectivist. They’re “my children” and “your children.” And we saw what depending on the “Only Ones” resulted in.

Remember what Vanderboegh asked about two nations divided by the answer to this fundamental question:

Does the government serve the people or do the people serve the government?

Hey, remember when Vichycon Leon H. Wolf, now managing editor of The Blaze, said Trump stood no chance in 2016 and advised Republicans to confirm Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Two Nations”

  1. There are some problems that can only be solved by a nice funeral. Garland is one of those problems.

  2. This cretin starts off his rant at the wrong place. He ASSUMES a priori that dirtbags WILL get their guns and seems fine with that. (xcept if he could he would disarm the lot of us, but that’s another matter) From everything I have seen in the aftermath of such incidents, the dirtbag in question WAS or SHOULD HAVE BEEN n the radar of “law enforcement agencies”. And in every such case they did nothing.. unless, as seems probable, that they aided and abetted the shooters.

    Two questions I have had since Uvalde: the punk perp was known to have been marginally employed if employed at all. HOW did he get the $3000 cash that Daniel Defense rifle cost? Along with all the prepped mags and other kit he had that day? And HOW is that he was driving what has been described as a seven thousand dollar pickup truck? SOMEwhere this punk had a sugar daddy, or an office full of them.
    This goofball gummit stooge starts in the middle of the situation, as if defencing after the guy starts shooting is the proper tactic. I saw video of th id walking across the schoolyard carrying his rifle. WHO did WHAT to stop it right there? Nobuddy did nuffum. And THAT is how this went off, downhill from there.

    Ohio’s FASTER Saves Lives programme has so far held the count of ALL gun-related incidents at ANY school district with the programme in place, since it began (in the wake f the Sandy Hook massacre) to ZERO. And the entire programme has cost taxpayers i the state of Ohio a total amounting to the same number.. zero.
    Bu this crazy guy ranting wants to disarm we who would never do such a thing, and in fact, the vast majority of us would march TOWARD the sound of gunfire to end the killing with our own perinal firearms. That also cost the taxoayer NOTHING.

    1. Spot on.

      A guide to home defense I once read said that if you wake up at 03:00 and see an armed stranger standing over your bed you’ve pretty much already lost it all.

      Focusing on what to do after an active shooting is already in progress ignores a whole bunch of stuff that can be done to avoid the situation from ever getting that far.

      Stuff that some of Florida’s school districts are being drug towards kicking and screaming even though mandated by post-Parkland state law.

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