Unhatched Chicken Counting

The Dubious and Doomed ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban That the House Approved Today May Cost Democrats This Fall – Recent polling suggests that Americans are starting to recognize that such laws make no sense. [More]

I wish I could share the enthusiasm but I think all it would take is one gun-free zone exploitation the magnitude of Beslan and you’d see a whole different set of survey results, not to mention a panicked Republican red wave-blowing scramble to get out of the water.

Now is no time to relax like the overconfident hare. Press on in earnest like the tortoise.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Unhatched Chicken Counting”

  1. The Demonrats no longer care what us peons think, believe or want. They have proven they no longer need to worry about polls, ratings or anything else. They can create as many votes as they need to win any election they choose. TINVOWOOT.

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