WA Gun Insurance Bill Shows No Depths Are TOO LOW for Gun Hating Democrats

This is all obviously unconstitutional and will never stand up to the text, history, and tradition standards of Bruen… [More]

They’ll keep harassing until they’re made to stop.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “WA Gun Insurance Bill Shows No Depths Are TOO LOW for Gun Hating Democrats”

  1. “well-regulated”

    They keep using that phrase. The founders didn’t believe it meant what today’s gun grabbers think it means.

    (Apologies to Inigo Montoya.)

    To the Founders, in particular to Josiah Quincy II who may have been the first to apply it to the militia, it meant, among other things, capable of achieving or fulfilling a desired purpose.

  2. Heads they win…

    I remember some 30+ years ago when the Massachusetts legislature was publicly spitting and steaming over facially identical insurance being offered instate by a private entity, denouncing it as “murder insurance” and “contrary to public policy.” Two years later I was sitting in their capitol auditorium for their annual “gun hearings” hearing them propose it themselves in the Washington flavor, i.e., priced to discourage gun ownership. I passed a note to attorney gunriter Karen MacNutt next to me asking, “What happened to contrary to public policy?” Her enlightening response was, “If THEY legislate it, it BECOMES public policy.”

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