We’ll Tell You What Your Rights Are

In 2025, several new gun laws will go into effect in California. [More]

More attacks on RKBA, due process, self-incrimination protections, and privacy rights, while dragooning dealers into spreading the state’s terms of surrender…

You’ve got to scroll down to find them. The “real reporter” figured we needed to hear Kamala and Joe prove they’re cluelsss how the election went and demand more infringements on everybody first because of Madison.

Question about Sec. 34210: Do you see anything in there prohibiting dealers from putting a stamp on the pamphlet warning customers it’s state-mandated bull$h!+? I guess if they wanna stay open, because the vindictive bastards don’t neeed laws to persecute…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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