We’re the Only Ones Censoring Enough

Their sign, supporting President Trump, went up. And a policeman knocked on their door. “He told them that he had been directed to go door to door to families that had political signs in their yards and order them to remove the signs. This order was so egregious that our clients thought it was a joke, but the officer confirmed the order; they had to take down their sign,” the report said. [More]

“A policeman…”

“The officer…”

What’s the dumb-ass thug’s name, and is he still feeding at the trough?

There is no order an oathbreaker will not obey, hence the desperation of the totalitarians to demonize Oath Keepers.

And if said dumb-ass thug weren’t a thug and a dumb-ass, he’d have refused the order and denounced it, and retired in style on the settlement if they’d dared retaliate.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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