We’re the Only Ones Coincidental Enough

Ultimately, I’m a Second Amendment guy…But I’m okay giving up some of that freedom, right? [More]

This seems to be a new narrative talking point.

What will three times make it?

[Via Geordan]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Coincidental Enough”

  1. My freedom to travel unfettered by TSA interference and biometric surveillance by CBP et al has been sundered.
    I cannot make simple bank transactions without .gov watching over my shoulder.
    My neighborhood comings and goings are recorded, compiled, and collated in searchable databases.
    Each purchase at the grocery records my image, products purchased, method of payment and goes into another searchable database.
    We’ll not discuss web use, no matter whether or not a vpn is used.
    Screw this guy.

  2. On a trip to the Bahamas, I asked a guy on the bus “What’s the difference between the cops with the blue shirts and the cops with the white shirts?” He said “Ain’t no difference. Cops is cops!”

    Sounds like he was on to something.

  3. We’re again seeing talking points based on ignorance at a very basic level.

    1. The Second Amendment has very little to do with the Right to Keep and Bear Arms other than recognizing that the right exists and telling government to keep their hands off. (US v Cruikshank)

    2. Fundamental civil rights cannot be “given up.” One cannot give up one’s right to keep and bear arms any more than one can sell one’s self into slavery.

    All else that Chief Franklin may believe on the subject may wrong as well. When your cops are acting from a starting point of ignorance of basic Constitutional principles, how can we imagine they will “Protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic?”

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