We’re the Only Ones Disowned Enough

“The firing of the officer who shot and killed Roger Fortson is a step forward, but it is not full justice for Roger and his family. The actions of this deputy were not just negligent, they were criminal,” family attorney Ben Crump said in a Friday evening statement. “While the criminal investigation is still ongoing, we fully anticipate charges to be filed against this officer. The video footage provides damning proof that this was a brutal and senseless killing of a young man who was simply enjoying time alone with his dog while video chatting with his girlfriend.” [More]

And to all the bloviating “Back the Blue” apologists who say he shouldn’t have answered the door with a gun in his hand knowing who was on the other side, what is it he really knew…?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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