We’re the Only Ones Nakedly Abusive Enough

We now know the name of the former Florissant police officer accused of stealing nude photos from women without them knowing during traffic stops. [More]

Not to change the subject, but women so compliant with authority and oblivious to their rights vote…? Democrat, right?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Nakedly Abusive Enough”

  1. If you’re dumb enough to keep nudes of yourself on your phone you deserve to be embarrassed. If you don’t keep your phone locked or are stupid enough to unlock it for Mr. Badgemonkey then you deserve what happens. ALWAYS keep your phone locked with a CODE, not a face pic or fingerprint which the badgemonkeys can use to FORCE you to unlock your phone.

  2. Before I read the attached story, I had a mental image of the cop saying ,”Ma’am, you have to be nude to sign the ticket.” and of women stripping off on the side of the road in order to comply.

    Don’t laugh! Back in the day prank callers would randomly dial (Remember phones having a dial?), and if a woman answered they would tell her they had kidnapped her husband and would kill him if the woman didn’t strip naked and stand on the front porch.

    And some women would do exactly as the pranksters demanded.

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