We’re the Only Ones Oath-Breaking Enough

The organization, called Police Leaders for Community Safety, will prop up anti-gunner candidates running for Congress in the hopes of getting more gun control laws passed at the federal level. [More]

The money behind it is what I want to trace.

They don’t show up on Guidestar yet, and their website is registered by proxy, and so far, it doesn’t look like they have the guts to open a “social media” account so gun owners can publicly tell these grunting oinkers what they think of them.

[Via Andy M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Oath-Breaking Enough”

  1. “Police leaders”

    That should pretty much tell you all you need to know.

    In police work, like most professions, the bottom ranks do mostly whatever the core mission is without much involvement with internal or external politics.

    That ratio changes in favor of less real work and more politics as one advances. Until one reaches “leadership” ranks and finds oneself doing little of what the organization really does and a whole lot of political involvement.

    Long story short, today’s “police leaders” have had so little contact with real police work for so long they likely have no idea what a street cop does in today’s world. Nor do they care in the least that today’s street cop is likely to have very different views on the subject of gun control than their “leaders” do.

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