Sergeant Weaver has also been charged with Sexual Assault, and former Officer Krasley has been charged with Kidnapping, Involuntary Sexual Intercourse and Intimidation of a Witness… [More]
I see “Allentown Police Department limited who can comment on this post.” I wanted to ask them how someone could go for years and rise to the rank of sergeant and this is the first inkling anybody had that something might be off with him.
I got dragooned as an alternate for jury duty years ago, a pimping and pandering case that trotted out scumbag vice cops, irredeemable whores, and twitchy-eyed johns, and couldn’t decide who was more contemptible and pathetic, including the defendant, whom I see has gotten into more trouble since, and her defense attorney, who played the strong woman card until she decided it was time for the tactical decisions to play the tears of victimhood for jury sympathy card.
[Via Jake S]