Willful Tyranny

He and many other dealers complain that ATF changed their definition of what constitutes a willful violation. The ATF now says that every gun dealer has been told to submit only proper paperwork, so any error – even clerical – constitutes a willful violation of ATF rules. [More]

There is no new thing under the sun.

The functionaries carrying this out must be pretty confident they’ll never be held personally accountable for their “willful violations.”

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Willful Tyranny”

  1. About that baggie of cocaine in the White House …

    I don’t think too many people would agree that it was there because of a clerical error, or because someone wasn’t aware of a change in policy.

    Yet there it was!

    If only the BiteMe Administration was a rigorous about controlled substances as they apparently are about the provisions of GCA68 as amended.

    Oh, wait!


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