Without a Trace

Crime gun intelligence centers — or CGICs — use cutting-edge technology to solve and prevent crimes — technology that traces firearms from crime scenes; that links ballistics evidence and connects shootings; and that identifies the gun traffickers and straw purchasers arming gang members and other violent criminals. [More]

In other words, if you asked her right there how many guns retrieved from crime scenes implicated the original purchaser as the trigger puller, you’d get a Jackie Gleason response, and the rest is to try and blame high-volume outlets like Bass Pro Shops and Cabellas for deep pockets PLCAA end run extortion attempts.

Meanwhile, the real problem, Democrat policies “cultivating” constituents who can’t be trusted with a gun, not only isn’t addressed, it can’t even be talked about.

[Via Antigone]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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