2nd Amendment Nightmares in Las Vegas Increase

More and more Las Vegas guests are reporting the horror stories of traveling to Vegas with their firearms (or not). Here is one of them. [More]

What happens in Vegas … when hotel goons pound on your door at night…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “2nd Amendment Nightmares in Las Vegas Increase”

  1. Whatever happened to the concept that when one rents or leases property owned by another, the renter/lessee has all rights and responsibilities for that space as if it were his own home?
    Those namless goons invaded HIS HOME with no warrant, no probable cause, failed to identify themselves, and had no lawful reason to do so other than “we own the property” (forgetting it had been temporarily transferred to the present occupant).
    I’d be curious as to the training/certification of those armed goons showing up at oh dark thirty demanding immediate entry and total subjugation.

    If I ever end up in Las Vegas and need a place to stay I sure won’t end up in any of the bit joints on the strip. Nope. A two bit roachroom a few miles away will do just fine. And I’m certain none would give a rip if I walked in, handgun in its proper place, and checked in at the front counter.

    Paranoia strikes deep…….. and these goons are enjoying their “roles” in this Kabuki Theatre far too much for comfort. They needs ta have a AT it tude rejustment.

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