Loss Not a Lawfare License

Son of Colorado mass shooting victim sues gun-maker Ruger [More]

So not just the Second, but the First must go as well?

Use your grief to impose tyranny and you become just another aggressor to repel.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Loss Not a Lawfare License”

  1. Journalist either don’t care to educate themselves or they misrepresent the settlement of the CT lawsuit to make their point. The defendant in the case, Remington Arms Co.’s only assets at the time of the settlement were insurance policies. All the operating assets including copyrights, intellectual property, real property, equipment & material had been auctioned off in a sealed bid sale. With insurance co’s left to defend “Remington” there was no party who was willing to defend the issue in state courts or through the appeal process in federal court. The max liability for the insurance co’s was $73 million. The case has no value as a precedent.

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