Tennessee governor schedules special session to address guns [More]
Made inevitable by “lesser of two evils” political desperation…
Take the short-term loss to avoid long-term certainty, because as we’ve seen yet once more over in Texas, counting on most “staunch defenders of the Second Amendment” not to be lying whores is a sucker’s game where the house generally wins.
If betrayers aren’t made public examples of, others will see they too can get away with it.
[Via Jess]
Let’s see…. a 50 BMG has an effective range of about two miles. It takes a 2000 fps average bullet about five seconds to reach the target. It takes about twice that long for the gun-shot sound to reach the target. A good sniper could be in his car driving away before anybody started looking around to see where the bullet came from.
See, here’s the thing, fella– this sounds an awful lot like something that LE would want to look into, and while you have the apparent benefit of anonymity, I use my real name, put my real reputation into what happens here, and am easily findable in meat space.
I also have a clear rule over in the sidebar: “No threats against anyone except me.” While what you posted might not legally rise to the level of an actionable threat, it could be enough to spark interest in an inquiry, and I know for a fact that site visitors include all kinds of alphabet agencies.
Based on other comments I see you’ve made, my sense is you’re not a plant trying to stir up some shit and see if any low-hanging fruit drops, and if you’re not, what I’ll leave you with is the caution that if you’re not coming here through untraceable proxies, you’ve left tracks that I can’t cover.