Newsom Goes Full Orwell with 28th Amendment to Gut 2nd

In other words, they’ll be able to enact any damn ban they want to, up to and including a total prohibition on “civilians” owning guns… [More]

But “no one’s talking about taking your guns,” right?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “Newsom Goes Full Orwell with 28th Amendment to Gut 2nd”

  1. First, plenty of people are talking about taking our guns. Give me 5 minutes, I’ll have a few dozen screenshots of people talking about exactly that. That “Beto” clip from a few years back (“Hell, YES, we’re coming for your AR-15, your AK-47!”) puts the lie to the “Nobody is talking about taking your guns” claim. And that’s just one high-profile example.

    Second, the ones smart enough to not talk about taking our guns, are just talking about taking our gun rights. Once gun rights are stripped, what’s the over-under they won’t start talking about taking the guns?

  2. A bunch of fat-ass liberal bitches. They should all be wearing ‘hammer and cycle’ shirts.

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