Triple Con

Neocons in the 80s and 90s used to warn people off of the CoS rout always bringing up the runaway convention argument. Amendments proposed by the CoS still have to be ratified by 38 states, thus killing worries for runaway conventions. We all know congress will NEVER vote to limit themselves, so lets try a CoS. We are already quickly headed down the path the late great Mike Vanderboegh warned us about repeatedly. [More]

I’d be careful about invoking Vanderboegh’s name to make your case.

As for the “38 states” redirect/deferral, I see nobody’s considering what’s happening all around us, every day, with no end in sight…

Newsom Goes Full Orwell with 28th Amendment to Gut 2nd

In other words, they’ll be able to enact any damn ban they want to, up to and including a total prohibition on “civilians” owning guns… [More]

But “no one’s talking about taking your guns,” right?

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